News and Communication

We have various channels of communication including a termly newsletter with key information and dates.  The newsletter is emailed every term to all parents.

Our Early Years Nursery also email regular newsletters to all parents.

For more regular updates, please take a look at our school Facebook page, details below.

For updates on your child's learning and experiences, please stay connected using Google Classroom as detailed below.

Nursery Enrolment 2025

Primary 1 Enrolment 2025

Pluscarden Poster 30 June 2024.pdf

Pluscarden Abbey Pilgrimage June 30th 2024

new logo

Good afternoon,


I have had a super first week in St Joseph’s, being warmly welcomed by children, staff and parents. I have been very impressed by the quality of learning, the excellent manners and the wonderful ethos of the school. The school values are very much in evidence .

I look forward to meeting you all at some point over the remainder of the school year. Have a lovely long weekend , hopefully the sun will continue to shine.


Mrs Selkirk





Angela Selkirk

Acting Head Teacher

St Joseph’s RC Primary School

01463 231837


IHS - Bookbug A4 Session Poster.docx

World Book Day

Book Bug Sessions 

Valentines Disco 15th February

Newsletter Term 3 310124.pdf

Please read our latest newsletter.

Enrolment Poster 2024.docx
Burns Night 100124.docx
Scottish Water - Duncraig Street Closure.pdf

Dear Parents/Carers,


Please see the information aside from Scottish Water.  There are planned sewage improvements and works that are due to begin on Monday 8th January 2024.  This will mean full closure of Duncraig Street for up to 12 weeks.  The portion of King Street that is just outside the school gate will also be closed for 4-5 weeks (starting from the 8th January.  The works will begin on our first day returning to school.


For morning drop offs and home time collections,  parents/carers should park in Tesco car park and walk across to our playground accompanying children past the construction site.  The attached letter which suggests Huntly Street as a drop off/collection zone is not correct, please ignore this part.


Thank you for your understanding.


We wish you a very happy and restful Christmas break and we look forward to seeing you in the New Year.


Kind regards,


Carolyn Brown and Hester McMillan

Joint Acting Head Teacher

St Joseph’s RC Primary School and ELCC

King Street



01463 231 837

Please take the time to complete the communications survey aside.


For regular school updates please visit our school Facebook page; St Josephs RC Primary School and Early Learning and Childcare.

Google Classroom

For class updates please make sure you have access to your child's Google Classroom. Speak to your child's class teacher if you require any help to access this.

The presentation to parents given by Mrs Brown and Miss McMillan can be viewed below;

13.09.2023 September HT Meet the Parents Induction 2023 PowerPoint.pptx

Please click on the link to read about out 80th birthday cele