Play and Learning
Here at St Joseph's children experience hands-on independent play with appropriate skilled intervention. Children learn by doing, thinking, exploring through quality interaction, intervention and relationships. Play and learning is founded on children's interests and abilities across a variety of contexts. We offer an environment which is child-centred, fun is absolutely essential and children are encouraged to plan and evaluate their learning. Resources are used to support learning rather than dictate learning. We ensure children are able to have easy and independent access , encouraging the use of their self-help skills and decsion making
When children are involved in self-directed play , staff have an opportunity to observe their learning and , if ,appropriate take it forward through sensitive intervention.
We do this by using :
Daily Observations
Achievements and Next Steps
Learning Profiles
Links with other services and Professionals
Communication with families
We track each child's progress through Early Level and record on an observation sheet called a developmental overview
This will be regularly updated over the next 2 years through discussions with yourselves and observations in nursery